What is World Leisure Day?
World Leisure Day (WL Day) is a global initiative from the World Leisure Organization (WLO) which aims to reinforce leisure as a social right and its importance in daily life, as well as to expand and promote leisure globally while recognizing that barriers still exist for many worldwide.
Who can organize a World Leisure Day?
Anybody can host a World Leisure day event anywhere in the world.
What does a World Leisure Day event normally look like?
Any event can qualify as a World Leisure Day event–from an individual – family activity to an organization activity-programme, to a national association seminar on leisure.
For some inspiration, you can check our Stories.
What are the requirements to host an official World Leisure Day?
There are just three requirements:
- Feature World Leisure Day on the activity or the program of your event.
- Make references to World Leisure Day Day using the hashtags: #worldleisureday #WLDAY #díamundialdelocio #diamundialdolazer
- Register your event in the EVENTS section.
How should I promote my event on social media?
Official hashtags: #worldleisureday #WLDAY #DiaMundialdoLazer #DíaMundialDelOcio
Make sure you contact us to promote your event and don’t hesitate to ask for our guidance. You can email us at worldleisureday@worldleisure.org